Out of the 8 phases part of our production process, Prototyping is the one that enables the ideas raised during the previous phases to materialise
The efficiency of our organisation is a fundamental factor in the development of prototypes

At Smarmec we specialise in the design of metal-mechanical sub-assemblies with integrated advanced technologies. We take care of everything: in order to provide excellent service and results, we divide each project into eight phases and monitor each one of them.
After the Integration of Complementary Technologies Phase, in which we turn the designs into 100% manufacturable elements, we work on the Prototyping and its evaluation. The purpose of this process is to detect possible problems or discover potential improvements, both from a manufacturing and a business perspective. In fact, it is very common to find issues that would imply changes or even the creation of new prototypes until the final version is found. This is a very important phase since it avoids future uncertainties, which is why the efficiency of our organisation is key during this process.
The Prototyping Phase consists of making the ideas from the previous phases a reality. At Smarmec we evaluate the maturity and complexity of a design in order to advise the client on the manufacture of a prototype. However, who decides whether or not an element enters the market without a prototype is the client.
It is divided into three stages:
- Launching Stage. Details that have not been covered previously are discussed here, taking into account the experience and requirements of the different providers. In addition, raw materials and components are procured.
- Prototype Manufacturing. The manufacturing processes are executed and all components are integrated.
- Prototype testing and analysis stage. The client comes into play at this stage: they are in charge of analysing whether that product is suitable for their target market and proposing improvements. This stage may have two outcomes: validate or repeat the prototype, either partially or totally.